With more and more business communication and transactions being conducted online (essentially with little physical presence), email and web have become major tools of business. This also means that they are the primary attack vectors for the cybercriminals. Hence, security for your web traffic and email communication is more critical than ever. Just 2 pieces of statistics that should make you aware of the risk to your business are:

1. Employee error and accidental email/internet exposure caused nearly 30% of all data breaches in 2015

2. 60% of small businesses lose their business within 6 months of a cyber attack

Web Security

Attackers usually infiltrate your networks by attacking vulnerable endpoints and leveraging the fact that many corporate networks are “flat” and do not employ multiple layers of access security. Many network security solutions provide too much of monitoring data and very little actionable knowledge, which is deftly exploited by cybercriminals. What is needed in such circumstances is a multi-vector detection and response system which monitors your web traffic unobtrusively and produces effective, real-time threat information.

Some of the essential features of an ideal web security solution are:

  • On-premise, agentless scanning implementation
  • Continuous Scanning and Threat Hunting Services
  • Policy-driven Threat Mitigation Engine
  • SIEM Integration
  • Advanced IDS (Intrusion Detection Services)
  • Network Scanner for Detection and Forensics
  • File Fingerprinting Engine
  • Honeypot Network Traps
  • Rich System Management Interface

An effective web security solution will keep your network and other assets safe from attacks and your business safe from the connected risk of loss/closure.

Email Security

With email becoming the preferred mode of communication and acquiring legal status and liability, email security is of prime importance for any business. Email security can be broadly divided into the following categories:

Content Safety (Encryption)

Email content encryption allows organisations to minimise the risk of a data breach by ensuring that only the authorised recipient is able to view the contents of the message. This allows the organisations to provide an additional layer of security for compliance and privacy. Email encryption policies can be set based on sender, individual recipient, recipient domain, keyword, or even content. This enables the messages to be secured automatically at the client application level. Since this happens seamlessly, users can continue to work as usual without needing to take any additional actions. The messages are encrypted at the client app level, ensuring that the message is secure before going through the organisation’s internal networks or the public internet.

Safe Big Data Transfer

Employees frequently send files to other employees and third-party associates, for collaboration on various projects. However, email by itself does not have any mechanism of ensuring data safety in transit and after receipt. Once an attachment is sent to someone, there is no means of ensuring that no one apart from the intended user can access the file. This is where safe big data transfer solutions come into play. They make it possible for organisations to:

  • safely share large and sensitive data with authorized users both inside and outside of their company
  • encourage collaboration in a secure, seamless environment and allow administrators to gain a full audit trail of the file access history
  • easily share content with internal/external parties regardless of the size of the file attachment
  • provide multiple layers of security, including encryption of data in transit and at rest
  • apply sender control level of security for automation

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